Jul 18, 2013

Roosevelt and jews half-truths vs mockery of human cattle

Mind control alias the BIG LIE technique at work: 
Roosevelt and the jewish holocaust: Half-truths vs mockery of human cattle
The truth contained in "The Nation" article exposes the core lie served by the same article.
In other words: article 
- illustrates "truth in plain sight to mock human cattle unable to add 1+1".
- does NOT illustrate the Half truths technique of the Big Lie.

The Truth:
The article exceptionally mentions a real holocaust survivor, unlike almost all other articles in illuminati media where "holocaust survivors" are in fact actors part of the agenda to mock and deny the holocaust.
The survivor exposes how Roosevelt (same as Churchill) did nothing to stop the genocide at the concentration camps by not bombing the crematoria.
Note: each time this fact is mentioned ever since the illuminati first openly presented it a few years ago, the even more basic implicit fact is muted: Roosevelt, Churchill and their media concealed that people were being gassed and reduced to ashes.

The Core Lie
The article is about denying the very same truth that was presented: "Roosevelt was a friend of the jews".
This core lie is supported not by related truth but by two related lies created with the classic psy-op technique of "fake jews".
"Roosevelt "surrounded himself with Jewish advisers and was portrayed by Hitler’s propagandists as Jewish".

Jul 2013 - FDR’s Jewish Problem
How did a president beloved by Jews come to be regarded as an anti-Semite who refused to save them from the Nazis?

Illuminati, lead by Alexander Adolf Hitler, create fake identities to play the role of evil Jews.
Evil jews take over Federal Reserve Bank script: Janet Yellen is Martha Stewart, Ben Shalom Bernanke is Paul Krugman without toupee. Best joke: Stan Fischer was officially the governor of Bank of Israel.
Their role includes arrested, stripped of titles, confessing the greatest conspiracy ever in the History of Finance, exactly the same as actor "Obama" and the History of Politics.

Mind control alias psy-op techniques: False comparisons: Hitler and Auschwitz constantly used by covert nazis. Examples:

Talk of Roosevelt and classic fakes by the illuminati:
Illuminati staging fake deaths of US presidents: start with Franklin Roosevelt, the one where the "death"'s exact date is really important. 
